News & Press Releases
Upgrade Your Home Office with the Exhale Fan, a Quiet, Efficient Bladeless Fan
Exhale Fans has revolutionized air circulation with its bladeless ceiling fan, the EF-34, a product of years of dedicated research and development. In fact, Exhale Fans feature the truly bladeless technology of the turbine design, so air is circulated without blades, creating an even temperature throughout the entire room.
Tackling Data Center Hot Spots With Next-Generation Cooling Technologies
It’s no surprise then when a hot spot is generated within a data center – typically due to poor air circulation in a localized area that begins to dangerously accumulate – there is the potential to destroy data and upend IT processes that any company, regardless of size or sector, could struggle with coming back […]
How To Keep Your Home Cool In The Summer — And Lower Cooling Costs
The Exhale Bladeless Ceiling Fan has a brushless DC motor and typhoon wind vanes that produce an airflow that exceeds 4,000 CFM. The bladeless design uses spinning discs, and the low-profile fan includes a built-in LED dimmable light and remote control. Another option is the Lowe’s Harbor Breeze Beach Creek 44-inch Ceiling Fan, which can be mounted flush, […]
Bladeless technology—CCN, Australia
Creator of the world’s only bladeless ceiling fan, Exhale Fans, has launched its flagship product claiming it delivers truly balanced room temperature from floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall.
Exhale Fans Leads the Charge in Sustainability with the World’s First and Only Bladeless Ceiling Fan—Purdue University study
Purdue study explores groundbreaking technology and the potential for energy savings for offices, hotels, schools and homes.
Bladeless Climate Control Technology—News Juik
Exhale Fans, skaberen af verdens eneste bladløse loftsventilator, har for nylig lanceret sit flagskibsprodukt, som hævder at levere en virkelig afbalanceret rumtemperatur fra gulv til loft og væg til væg.